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    Manuel Fuentes García

    Universidad de Salamanca

Research team:
  • Laura Carlota Arias Hidalgo
  • Rafael Góngora Fernández
  • Pablo Juanes Velasco
  • Alicia Landeira Viñuela
Research associates:
  • Ángela Patricia Hernández García
  • Marina Luque García-Vaquero
Support staff:
  • Araceli Naranjo Bayón

Research focus

  • Discovery of useful biomarkers for early detection and personalised medicine with high-performance techniques for functional proteomics.
  • Biomolecular immobilization and conjugation to optimize new diagnostic systems.
  • Biosensors, nanomedicine and immunobiotechnology.


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Área de Enfermedades Infecciosas, Inflamatorias y Metabólicas

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