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Research team:
- Carolina Lorenzo Romo
- Santiago Sánchez Iglesias
Research associates:
- Pablo Alonso Hernández
- Miriam Bersabé Pérez
- Bárbara Buch Vicente
- Raquel Cabezas Mesonero
- Nerea Casado Espada
- Marina Covacho González
- Ruben de Alarcón Gómez
- Francisco del Castillo de la Torre
- Luz Celia Fenández Martín
- Clara Isabel Fombellida Velasco
- Mª Teresa Gallego de Dios
- Alba González Mota
- Pilar Gómez Hernández
- David González Parra
- Felipe Hernández Zaballos
- Tomás Martín Pinto
- Ángel María Martín Sánchez
- Juan Matias Fernández
- Josefa Matías Polo
- Claudia Matos Spöhring
- Ana Isabel Mitadiel Velasco
- María Belén Peláez Pezzi
- Javier Pérez Rodríguez
- Jose Luis Villegas Martínez
Technical staff:
- Jose María Acosta Rodríguez
Technical associates:
- --
Research focus:
- The study of human sexuality and how it is modified in patients with mental disorders.
- The study of sexual dysfunctions related to the chronic use of antidepressants, antipsychotic and mood stabilizers. The study of sexual dysfunctions related to other drugs for chronic disorders: hypertension and diabetes.
- The creation and validation of tools to study these dysfunctions, including their adaptation to other languages. PRSexDQ-SALSEX questionnaire, tool questionnaire. The creation of international collaboration groups studying sexuality and mental health.
- The study of secondary hyperprolactinemia induced by antipsychotics and its long-term effect on the patients' physical health. Association with amenorrhea, galactorrhea, gynecomasty, osteoporosis, cancer risk, cardiovascular risk, changes in immunity.
- Clinical trials with new molecules in phase, I, II and III, compared with placebo or standard comparator.
- Clinical trials with new molecules used as add-on treatment linked to existing treatments.
- Clinical trails for the evaluation of psychoactive drugs in patients and healthy volunteers. Phase I.