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Research team:
- Carmelo A. Ávila Zarza
- Sonia De Arriba Méndez
- Rosita Marlene Castillo Loja
- Sandra Elena Pérez
- Miguel Estravís Sastre
- Noemi Ferrito
- Alicia Gallardo Higueras
- Mª Belén García Berrocal
- María Asunción García Sánchez
- Mª Teresa Gracia Bara
- David Hansoe Heredero Jung
- María Isidoro García
- Jesús Lacal Romero
- Elena Laffond YGes
- Milagros Lázaro Sastre
- Eva María Macías Iglesias
- Elena Marcos Vadillo
- Cristina Martín García
- Emma Moreno Jiménez
- Esther Moreno Rodilla
- Francisco Javier Muñoz Bellido
- María Celsa Peña Martín
- Jacqueline Pérez Pazos
- David Rodríguez de la Cruz
- Catalina Sanz Lozano
- Miriam Sobrino García
- Alejandro de la Sota Pérez
Technical staff:
- María de la Paloma Alonso Benavente
- Teresa Reyes Sánchez
Support staff:
- --
Research associates:
- Juan Báez Flores
- Manuel Gómez García
- Natalia Mogardo Llamazares
- Lucía Pérez Carbonero
- Mario Rodríguez Martín
Research focus:
- Genomic epigenomics and the transcriptional study of asthma and allergic reactions.
- Statistical models in the study of respiratory and food allergens.
- Genetic aspects of allergic cold and nasosinusal polyposis.
- Applications of palynology to the study of allergies and respiratory diseases.
- Immune mechanisms hidden under the allergic reaction.
- Genetic and immunopathogenic aspects of drug allergies.