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    Miguel Marcos Martín

    Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca

Research team:
  • Fabiola Campo Lobato
  • Cristina Carbonell Muñoz
  • Antonio Javier Chamorro Fernandez
  • Pilar Costa Alba
  • María García Duque
  • Francisco Javier Laso Guzmán
  • José Ignacio Madruga Martín 
  • Edgard José Marcano Millán
  • Pablo Martínez Rodríguez
  • Mª Ángeles Pérez Nieto
  • Daniel Salete Granado
  • Hugo Guillermo Ternavasio De la Vega
  • Víctor José Vega Rodríguez
  • Maura Lina Rojas Pirela
Research associates:
  • Ángel Pedro Crisolino Pozas
  • David Puertas Miranda

Research focus:

  • Immunology of alcohol addiction.
  • Genetics of alcohol addiction and associated medical complications.
  • MicroRNA and alcohol.
  • Sepsis, bacteremia and nosocomial infection.


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