Organization chart
The IBSAL is structured in different bodies to ensure the proper functioning of the institute and the fulfillment of its objectives.
The organizational structure of the IBSAL
- Governing bodies: Governing Board and Executive Committee
- Management bodies: Scientific Management and Scientific Sub-Direction
- Consultation bodies: External Scientific Committee, Internal Scientific Committee, Drug Research Ethics Committee and Bioethics Committee.
- Management bodies: Biomedical Research Foundation of Salamanca (FIBSAL). The Research Management Committee of the IBSAL, through its Technical Management Unit.
- Committees: Innovation Commission, RRI and Equality Commission, Quality Commission, Training Commission and Citizen Commission.
Governing Council
The Governing Council is the governing, representative and administrative body of the IBSAL. In it, all the centers that are part of the institute are represented.
Among its functions, the approval of the strategic plan of the IBSAL and the project of the research and training activities of the IBSAL, together with its corresponding economic report, stand out.
It is constituted by the following members:

- Alejandro Vázquez Ramos, Minister of Health of the Regional Government of Castilla y León.
First Vice President
- Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez, Rector Magnificent of the University of Salamanca (USAL)
Second Vice President
- Eloisa del Pino Matute, President of the Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, M.P. (CSIC).
- Beatriz Muñoz Camargo, Technician of the General Directorate of Health Planning, Research and Innovation of the Regional Ministry of Health.
- María Jesús Violeta Martínez Pindado, Managing Director of the Regional Health Management of Castilla y León.
- María del Rocío Lucas Navas, Regional Minister of Education of the Castilla y León Regional Government
- Dolores González Pacanowska, Coordinator of the Global Life Area of the Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, M.P. (CSIC)
- Sonia Martín Pérez, General Director of Health Planning, Research and Innovation
- José Miguel Mateos Roco, Vice Rector for Research and Transfer of the University of Salamanca
- Luis Alberto Álvarez Espinosa, Salamanca Health Area Manager
- Carmen Rodríguez Pajares, Manager of the Salamanca University Hospital
- Álvaro Otero Rodríguez, Medical Director of the University Hospital of Salamanca.
- Pedro Luis Sánchez Fernández, Representative of the IBSAL Researchers
- Luis García Ortiz, IBSAL Scientific Director
Delegated Commission
The Delegate Commission is the executive governing body of the Institute and has the objective of streamlining the administration of IBSAL’s governance. It is in charge of executing agreements of the Governing Council, reviewing programs and annual reports, evaluating activities and proposing improvements. In addition, it must supervise the integration of associated entities and manage the evaluation of research groups, as well as propose the appointment of the External Scientific Committee.

- Sonia Martín Pérez, General Director of Health Planning, Research and Innovation
- José Miguel Mateos Roco, Vice Rector for Research and Transfer of the University of Salamanca
- Dolores González Pacanowska, Coordinator of the Global Life Area of the Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, M.P. (CSIC)
- Luis Alberto Álvarez Espinosa, Salamanca Health Area Manager
- Carmen Rodríguez Pajares, Manager of the Salamanca University Hospital
- Álvaro Otero Rodríguez, Medical Director of the University Hospital of Salamanca.
- Pedro Luis Sánchez Fernández, Representative of the IBSAL Researchers
- Luis García Ortiz, IBSAL Scientific Director
- Ángeles Almeida Parra, Deputy Scientific Director of the IBSAL (with voice but without vote)
- Beatriz Muñoz Camargo, Technician of the General Directorate of Health Planning, Research and Innovation of the Regional Ministry of Health.
Scientific Management
The Scientific Directorate is responsible for proposing and executing the scientific policy of the IBSAL, as well as planning and managing the research infrastructures. It also coordinates the obtaining of resources, communicates the activities of the Institute and prepares the annual research report. In addition, it supervises the quality of research, represents the IBSAL before other institutions and may appoint or dismiss other key personnel.

External Scientific Committee
The External Scientific Committee is the body composed of professionals external to the IBSAL and appointed by the Governing Council.
Among its functions is to examine the annual reports and activity plans, including the strategic plan of the IBSAL, and to evaluate and study the possible incorporation of new research groups to the institute.
It is made up of the following members:
- Jesús San Miguel Izquierdo
- Francisco Jesús Fernández Avilés
- María del Mar Malagón Poyato
- João António Nave Laranjinha
- Ana Lluch Hernández
- Margarita Calonge Cano

Internal Scientific Committee
The Internal Scientific Committee is the body responsible for promoting and coordinating the research activity of the IBSAL.
Its functions include controlling the quality of the institute’s research, defining priority lines of research, and ensuring their coherence and continuity.
It is made up of the following members:
- Dr. Luis García Ortiz
- Dr. Candelas Pérez del Villar Moro

- Dr. Ángeles Almeida Parra
- Dr. Jesús María Hernández Rivas
Two coordinators (clinical and basic) for each research area:
- Cancer:
- María Victoria Mateos Manteca
- Julia Almeida Parra
- Cardiovascular:
- Candelas Pérez del Villar Moro
- Carlos Martínez Salgado
- Neurosciences:
- Jesús Pérez Sánchez-Toledo
- Juan Carlos Arévalo Martín
- Infectious, inflammatory and metabolic diseases:
- Catalina Sanz Lozano
- José Juan García Marín
- Gene and cell therapy and transplantation:
- Fermín Sánchez-Guijo Martín
- Concepción Lillo Delgado
- Primary care, public health and pharmacology
- Roberto Méndez Sánchez
- Cristina Lugones Sánchez
- José Alberto Orfao de Matos Correia e Vale, Platforms Coordinator
- María Victoria Mateos Manteca Head of Clinical Trials at IBSAL
- Carlos Martínez Salgado, Training Coordinator, IBSAL
- José Ángel Maderuelo Fernández, Quality Coordinator, IBSAL
- Jesús F. Bermejo Martín, IBSAL Innovation Coordinator
- José Mª de Dios Hernández, Head of Training at the Primary Care Management of Salamanca.
- Mª Concepción Turrión Gómez, Technical Secretary of CEIm
- Sandra Muntión Olave, Postdoctoral Researchers Representative IBSAL
- Martín Gómez Redondo, Predoctoral Researchers Representative IBSAL
Two persons assigned by reason of the position they hold:
- Álvaro Otero Rodríguez, HUS Medical Director
- Verónica Sánchez Romero, HUS Nursing Director
Drug Research Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee for Research with Medicines (CEIm) of the Salamanca Health Area is responsible for evaluating and supervising clinical trials, observational studies and other biomedical research studies in primary care and specialized care.
Its main function is to inform whether a biomedical study is suitable or not from an ethical, methodological and legal point of view.
It is made up of the following members:

- Enrique Nieto Manibardo. Law Degree. Head of the Legal Advisory Service and Head of Security and Data Protection.
First Vice President
- Mª Teresa Martín Gómez. Licensed Specialist in Medical Oncology.
Technical Secretary
- María de la Concepción Turrión Gómez. Pharmacist and Biochemist. PhD in Public Health and Preventive Medicine. Senior Researcher. Biomedical Research Institute of Salamanca (IBSAL).
- Ana Martín García – Specialist in Cardiology
- Ascensión Hernández Encinas – President ASCOL, patients’ representative
- Berta Bote Bonaechea – Specialist in Psychiatry
- Mª del Carmen Arias de la Fuente – Clinical Trials Manager Technician
- Guzmán Franch Arcas – Specialist in General and Digestive Surgery
- Silvia Jiménez Cabrera – Hospital Pharmacy
- Mª Teresa Arias Martín – Mental Health Nurse. Member of the Health Care Bioethics Committee.
- Ricardo Tostado Menéndez – Clinical Pharmacologist
- Antonio Márquez Vera – Specialist in physiotherapy
- Ángela Rodríguez Rodríguez – Head of Nursing Unit of the Hematology Service
- Manuel Ángel Gómez Marcos – Primary Care Physician. Salamanca Primary Care Research Unit.
- Concepción Rodríguez Barrueco – Primary Care Pharmacist
- Belén Vidriales Vicente. Head of Hematology Section.
Bioethics Committee for Animal Experimentation
The Bioethics Committee for Animal Experimentation evaluates and advises on research projects related to studies on humans, animals and modified organisms, promoting bioethical debate and disseminating information on the ethical impacts of scientific advances. It also awards a seal of quality to voluntary projects and prepares ethical reports for the university’s governing bodies.

- Mª Ángeles Castro González
- Luis J. Muñoz de la Pascua
Data Protection Officer (
- Daniel Terrón Santos
Technical Secretary
- Rosa Rivas Santiago
- Mª Soledad Beato Gutiérrez
- Mónica García Domingo
- Elena Díaz Rodríguez
- Isabel Fuentes Calvo
- Pedro Tomás Nevado-Batalla Moreno
- Zulima Sanchez Sanchez
- Mª Belén Vidriales Vicente
- Raúl Manzano Román
- Ricardo García García
- Francisco Javier Martín Vallejo
- José Luis Rodríguez Álvarez
- José Manuel Muñoz Félix
Technical Management Unit
The Technical Management Unit is responsible for the economic, administrative and human resources management of the IBSAL. It is located on the tenth floor of the Hospital Virgen de la Vega building, at Paseo de San Vicente, 58-182.

Quality Commission
We have an advisory role to ensure the quality of the institute’s activities.
- José Ángel Maderuelo Fernández (Coordination)
- Laura González Guerra (Secretary)
- Raquel Carnicero Izquierdo (Member of Management)
- María Díez Campelo
- Andrés Celestino García Montero
- María Gallego Delgado
- María J Martín Martín
- Ana Purificación Velasco Criado
- Pablo Gómez Martín

Training Commission
We coordinate the training offered by the IBSAL and its member entities.
Our main functions are:
- Carlos Martínez Salgado (Coordination)
- Álvaro García Hernández (Secretary)
- Candelas Pérez del Villar (Member of Management)
- Javier Nieto Blasco (HUS Training)
- José María De Dios Hernández (GAP Training)
- María Delgado Esteban
- Martín Gómez Redondo
- Lourdes Vázquez López
- Mónica García Domingo
- Ricardo López Pérez

RRI and Equality Commission
We promote equal opportunities and equal treatment between women and men in the institute.
- Ángeles Almeida Parra (Coordination)
- Laura González Guerra (Secretary)
- Jesús M Hernández Rivas (Member of Management)
- Sara Ortiz Rivero
- Inés Llamas Ramos
- Mari Cruz Sánchez Gómez
- Jorge Feito Pérez
- Mari Luz Sánchez Tocino
- Patricia Berlana Galán
- Martin Perez Andres

Innovation Commission
We develop the innovation strategy of the institute, as well as in the evaluation and selection of ideas and proposals for innovative projects. We are the advisory body of the Innovation Platform of the IBSAL (ITSAL).
- Jesús F. Bermejo Martín (Coordination)
- Amanda de la Fuente (Secretary)
- Luis García Ortiz (Member of Management)
- María Pilar Armero Martínez
- Miryam González Cebrián
- Manuel Fuentes Garcia
- Juan Luis Sánchez González
- Manuel A Franco Martin
- María del Pilar Samaniego de Tiedra (Representative of the Citizen’s Commission)
- Ricardo López Pérez

Citizen Commission
We incorporate the citizen’s voice to IBSAL’s work and to scientific decision making.
- María del Pilar Samaniego de Tiedra(FUNDANEED) (Coordination)
- Laura González Guerra (Secretary)
- Oliver Marcos(Salamanca Anti-AIDS Committee)
- Francisco Moreo and Inma Cid(Federation of Neighborhood Associations)
- Francisco Gomez y Obdulia Velázquez (Famasa Federation)
- Mila Benavente(Afim Salamanca)
- Daniel López Piriz(Asociación Iguales) Mercedes Díaz(Asociación Plaza Mayor)
- Virginia Velasco Triado(FEDAMPA)