Ref.13_2025. Senior Research Graduate

Essential requirements

  • Be a Spanish national, a national of a member country of the European Union or a foreigner with a residence and work permit in Spain.
  • Hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering or equivalent with a Master’s degree.

Duties to be performed


  • to project management and monitoring
  • to the extraction of information from proprietary and FHIR-based EHR systems.
  • to the adaptation of the syntactic and semantic structure to OMOP.
  • to the development and implementation of data preprocessing and analysis tools or to the development and validation of predictive algorithms.

Job details

  • Type of contract: Temporary contract Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
  • Full time: 35 hours.
  • Financial compensation: 2,321.04 euros gross per month, including the proportional part of two extraordinary payments.
  • PMP22/00008- “UNIQUE. Implementation of a Pediatric Network for Personalised Medicine in rare pediatric diseases. A Pilot Project”.

Available files

Departamento: Dirección General de Salud Digital. Consejería de Sanidad. Valladolid
Tipo de contrato: Contrato temporal. Jornada completa
Referencia: Ref.13_2025
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