Ref.15_2025. Senior Research Graduate

Essential requirements

  • Be a Spanish national, a national of a member country of the European Union or a foreigner with a residence and work permit in Spain.
  • Hold at least a Bachelor’s or Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a Master’s degree in Neuropsychology.

Duties to be performed

He/she will be in charge of the relations with the different leaders of the other WP of objective 1 and with all the groups participating in WP3, in order to guarantee the development of the projects of the network and the achievement of the objectives of the network in the foreseen time, as well as coordinating with the associated clinical group of Castilla y León.
-Coordinate meetings between the groups participating in the WP, prepare the documentation for these meetings and prepare the content of the meetings.
-Monitoring and dissemination of WP 3 activities, as well as monitoring and dissemination of deliverables and outputs of the different WP activities.
It will promote, in coordination with the other WP of the network, actions aimed at transferring the health results generated by the network to implement them in clinical practice or service management and will manage the registration of intellectual property and patents generated in the activities of the network
-Organize an annual or biannual scientific conference aimed at the exchange of knowledge, scientific dissemination and dissemination to the population of the most relevant aspects of the results of the WP and the network.
-Disseminate the research results of the network’s projects through the web page, social networks, general dissemination media and conferences aimed at participants in the network’s projects and the general public.

Job details

  • Type of contract: Indefinite-term contract, scientific and technical activities (art. 23. Bis of Law 14/2011 LCTI).
  • Full time: 35 hours.
  • Morning and one afternoon per week (Wednesday).
  • Economic remuneration: 2,303.78 euros gross per month including the proportional part of two extraordinary payments.
  • RD24/0005/0018. Research network on chronicity, primary care and health promotion (RICAPPS).

Available files

Departamento: Unidad de investigación de Atención Primaria de Salamanca (APISAL)
Tipo de contrato: Contrato indefinido. Jornada completa
Referencia: Ref.15_2025
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