Ref.07_2025. Senior Research Technician

Essential requirements

  • Be a Spanish national, a national of a member country of the European Union or a foreigner with a residence and work permit in Spain.
  • To be in possession of at least a FPII Superior Technician Degree in Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory.

Duties to be performed

  • Processing of specimens from patients with hematological malignancies
  • Extraction and handling of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
  • Preparation of genomic libraries for massive next-generation sequencing techniques.
  • Performance of genetic and molecular techniques for the analysis of patients with MDS included in the project: PCR, Sanger sequencing…
  • Cell culture and plasma and protein extraction
  • Analysis of quality parameters of results from massive sequencing studies and application of pipelines or standardized flows of pre-analysis of sequencing results.
  • Preparation of records for sequencing

Job details

  • Type of contract: Temporary contract Recovery, Transofrmation and Resiliency Plan
  • Full time: 35 hours.
  • Economic remuneration: 1,588.08 euros gross per month including the proportional part of two extraordinary payments.
  • Research project: PMP24/00025- “UMBRELLA-SUMMA Legacy: Unified platforM for a Better integRal Evaluation of myeLodyspLastic syndromes in spAin-Strategy for Unraveling personalized genoMic Medicine in public heAlth system incorporating patient reported outcomes”.
  • Work center: IBSAL. R+D+I building and Cell Therapy laboratory of the HUS.

Available files

Departamento: Edificio I+D+I y laboratorio de Terapia Celular del HUS
Tipo de contrato: Contrato temporal. Jornada completa
Referencia: Ref.07_2025
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