Technical Management Unit
The Technical Management Unit is responsible for the economic, administrative and human resources management of IBSAL.
The Technical Management Unit of IBSAL is located on the tenth floor of the Hospital Virgen de la Vega building , at Paseo de San Vicente, 58-182.
It is divided into the following work areas:

Management direction
Coordinates and supervises the different areas that make up the Technical Management Unit of IBSAL.
Raquel Carnicero Izquierdo
- 923291100 ext. 55217
We are the welcoming gateway to the institute. We ensure the smooth running of the center's daily operations through administrative and support responsibilities.
Marcos Sánchez Vasallo
- 923291100 ext: 55113
Project Management Area
We manage the calls for research grants from the different international, national, regional and local funding entities. We advise and support research personnel to obtain funding for their research projects.
Cristina Marcos Atxutegi
- 923291100 ext. 56095
Raquel Sánchez Arribas
- 923291100 ext. 55640
Alejandro Villoria Hernández
- 923291100 ext. 55128
Juan Carlos Ortiz
- 618122279
Scientific Management and Communication Area
We carry out the institute's research management tasks in order to maintain the quality standards required by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III for accredited institutes. We are also in charge of internal communication and dissemination of our research.
Laura González Guerra
- 923291100 ext: 56093
Luis Manuel Hernández Medina
- 923291100 ext: 56093
Sergi Garcia Salcedo
- 687246417
Administrative Contracting Area
We advise, develop, manage and execute the contractual activity of IBSAL, both for the Technical Management Unit and for the different research groups.
David Rodríguez Encinas
- 923291100 ext: 56097
Economic Area
We manage and supervise all financial and accounting aspects of the institution. This includes accounting for income and expenses, administration of funds and grants, financial reporting, and budget planning and execution.
Javier García Blanco
- 923291100 ext: 55884
Laura Curto Benito
- 923291100 ext: 55884
Clinical Trials Area
We manage and support the implementation and execution of clinical trials, clinical research with medical devices and observational studies promoted by external entities.
Carmen Arias de la Fuente
- 923291100 ext. 56094
Jorge Pacheco Sánchez
- 678840825
Paulo Roberto Teixeira Leite Lourenço Da Silva
- 923291100 ext. 56096
Pablo Gómez Martín
- 923291100 ext. 56096
Esperanza López Franco
- 923291100 ext. 55779
Ricardo López Pérez
- 923291100 ext. 55144
María Fátima Macho Sánchez-Simón
- 923291100 ext. 55145
Innovation Area
We guide and advise research personnel in the protection and valorization of their research results.
Amanda de la Fuente Vázquez
- 923294553
Legal Area
We support the other areas of the unit in reviewing and drafting all types of legal documents, providing legal advice, and ensuring regulatory compliance.
Carlos Moreno Dorado
- 923291100 ext: 55905
Training Area
We manage the institute's continuous training to enhance the development of both the organization and its researchers.
Álvaro García Hernández
- 923291100 ext: 55544/55131
Human Resources Area
We are in charge of labor relations and human capital management at IBSAL.
Encarnación Gómez Ronco
- 923291100 ext: 55544/55131
Álvaro García Hernández
- 923291100 ext: 55544/55131