Contractor's profile
In the contractor’s profile we give you direct and transparent access to all the information related to the public procurement processes that we carry out in IBSAL.
What can I find?
Here you can consult the contractor profile, the receipt of tender offers, contracting files and contracting activity.
We strictly comply with Law 9/2017 on Public Sector Contracts, ensuring that our processes are developed with maximum transparency and equal conditions for all bidders.
If you have any questions about the contractor profile, contact us via email

PLACSP Contractor Profile
The contractor profile is integrated into the Public Sector Contracting Platform, complying with Law 9/2017 on Public Sector Contracts, which facilitates the submission of bids and the monitoring of processes in a simple and accessible manner.
Receipt of bids
As of August 1, 2019, all tender offers must be submitted exclusively through IBSAL Procurement Platform:
Consultation of LCSP 9/2017 files
Consult here the procurement files initiated as of March 9, 2018.
Consultation of LCSP 30/2007 files
Check here for procurement files initiated before March 9, 2018.
- PRCNIBSAL. PI15.01393.D1.101/1.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.PI15.01021.D1.102.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.PI15.00762.D1.102.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.DTS15.00166 .D1.101.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.DTS15.00119.D1.101_2.pdf
- PRCNIBSAL.PI15.00179.D1.101.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.PI16.01156.D1.102.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.DTS15.00119.D1.101/1.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.PI15.00473.D1.101.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.PI15.00067.D1.102.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.CP14.00082.D1.101/3.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.PI15.01471.D1.101.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.PIE14.00066.D1.101/6.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.PIE14.00066.D1.101/5.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.PIE14.00066.D1.101/4.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.CP14.00082.D1.102/2.rar
- PRCNIBSAL.CP14.00082.D1.102_1.pdf
- PRCNIBSAL.CP14.00082.D1.102_2.pdf
- PRCNIBSAL.IB12015.pdf
- PRCNIBSAL.PI14.00071.D1.101.pdf
- PRCNIBSAL.PI14.01776.D1.101.pdf
- PRCNIBSAL.PIE14.00066.D1.101_2.pdf
- PRCNIBSAL.PIE14.00066.D1.101_4.pdf
- PRCNIBSAL.PIE14.00066.D1.101_5.pdf
- PRCNIBSAL.PIE14.00066.D1.102_1.pdf
- PRCNIBSAL.PIE14.00066.D1.102_3.pdf
Procurement activity
Consult here the procurement activity: minor contracts, tenders and framework agreements.